Digital Nostalgia

Some time in 1992, the inspirational Bruce Anderson told me I needed to learn Smalltalk. The web was in its infancy and with little information in the University of Essex library my only resources on this quest were a 720Kb 3.5″ disk with Smalltalk/V on it and a videotape. Being an impoverished student I first had to borrow a video recorder and then my introduction to a programming language still more advanced than most of what is out there began.

The video is only twenty minutes long but I had to watch it in two parts due to the headache induced by the lack of vertical sync between the video camera and screen. Bruce tells me the video was made in 1985 at Queen Mary College, London on a Tektronix 4400 series.

Many thanks to Bruce for giving me permission to publish this small but pivotal part of my programming history

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